I have found a thought that is helping me stay sane and centered.
Every day, I check in with a friend: 60 year-old Steve (me).
To be clear, I am currently 55.
The 55 year-old Steve reads the news and feels stress. He wonders whether we can run camp. He worries about how Champions families are dealing with “shelter in place” and our new reality. He has to make plans to keep camp sustained even if camps are closed.
He can be a bit of a basket case.
But 60 year-old Steve sees this differently. He has perspective.
He remembers that we did not fire our team this spring.
He revels in the extra weeks he got with his college kids.
He is proud of the way that we conducted ourselves this summer. Funny fellow, that 60 year-old Steve. He is proud of both 1) a summer of camp pulled together at the last minute, and 2) keeping the spirit of camp alive if we cannot physically be on property. Since we are not sure what the summer will bring, he needs to be at peace with both.
I have no idea if this is helpful to you at all, but it is truly helpful to me. It reminds me to make decisions that will feel honorable and right.
Steve Sir