A Dignified Dog(?) and Neighborhood Fireworks

Posted by Steve Baskin on Jul 5, 2020 7:32:08 PM
Steve Baskin
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Dodger Hot Dog1

OK folks.  I think I want to share one more fluff blog.  In this, we will discuss the Humiliation of Dodger Ma’am and describe what it is like to throw the only serious fireworks show on a lake that usually hosts several.


Humiliation of Dodger Ma’am

Dodger Ma’am is the camp Bassett Hound.  She is much loved and her affection is mutual.  We chose her not for her smarts (there are not a lot of those), her athleticism (also fairly light), or her keen discipline (nyet).


Nope.  Susie Ma’am researched to find the type of dog that can absorb the greatest amount of affection from the most people.  It turns out Bassett Hounds are at the top of the list.  [Note: 15 years ago, a dear friend of mine chided us to get a camp dog.  When we got Fenway (our first Bassett), I called to announce we had a camp dog.


“A lab?” She asked excitedly.  “Campers would love playing with a lab!”




“Maybe a Golden Retriever.  They are also so much fun.”




“What then?”


“A Bassett Hound!”


Silence.  Pause.  Slight inhalation.


“Well . . . what they lack in intelligence, the make up for with immobility!”]


Anyway, Dodger Ma’am has two jobs.  First, she allows any camper to drown her in affection. She is like a sponge. 


Second, she allows us to dress her up for the amusement of campers. Both of these were just yesterday.

Dodger Hot DOg 2

Dodger Patriot

Dignity.  Always dignity.


Being the Feature Fireworks Show

The cities of Horseshoe Bay and Kingsland both cancelled their large fireworks extravaganzas this year in a completely understandable effort to avoid crowds in this time of COVID.  We knew about that.


What we did not know is that people on the lake knew that we were still having a show. 


As we were preparing to do our show, I looked out into the lake and saw something completely new: roughly 55 boats within .5 miles of camp.  They were there to watch our show.


On the shores of Highland Haven (a neighboring town) people had gathered at their homes and a local park (physically distancing, I am told). 


Rather than just providing a show for our beloved camp community, we were providing some Independence Day cheer to hundreds of our neighbors.  This morning, I got an email that simply said “Thank you for making the 4th a little bit more normal.”


I did not have a good camera, but this shows one direction of the lake.

Firworks audience

Here is part of our arsenal.  [Note: we use eye and ear protection and have a fireworks protocol.  We are enthusiasts, but responsible enthusiasts!]

Fireworks cache

There are days that this summer is simply harder than a normal summer.  But we also have moments when it is better.  Seeing campers play after sheltering in place for months is better.  Knowing that we brought some joy and normalcy to our community is better too!


Steve Sir