Can I Call Myself an Adult?

Posted by Steve Baskin on Jun 17, 2018 10:05:08 PM
Steve Baskin
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The second Sunday of a session makes me feel realize what a strange profession I have found myself in.

During the course of this day, I changed outfits 6 times.

I feel like a runway model.

I woke and put on my red-blue tie-dye shirt for Trojan-Spartan games. During breakfast, I strolled among the campers getting them hyped up for the games.

After breakfast, I changed into an outfit for the Senior Camper war canoe race.


Then I put the (dry) tie dye shirt back on.

After lunch, we put on our camp uniforms to welcome 21 new Batter Up (one-week campers age 6-8) to camp.

At dinner, we had the T-Bone Club. I have mentioned this tradition a few times. We honor the oldest normal campers (those finishing 8thgrade) with a special dinner. Everyone dresses up, so I wear my kilt (see the opening photo).

Finally, we ended the evening with Vespers, a time of gratitude and reflection. During Vespers, we wear white and gather at the sail points to talk and listen.


I think that some runway models change less often.

What sort of adult changes clothes 6 times in a day?

None that I know of . . .

Steve Sir