Embracing Intentionality

Posted by Steve Baskin on Jul 30, 2020 8:42:15 PM
Steve Baskin
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Mission Statements 3_20

I had intended to write a long blog describing one of our favorite traditions: Senior Camper mission statements.


In the final week of the program (the third week of the third summer), the Senior Campers entering their Senior year of high school write a personal mission statement.  Actually, it is more like a statement of beliefs and purpose.  Tonight, we had a banquet and they shared them with their counselors, Susie Ma'am and myself.


They are thoughtful and powerful. 


So many people lead non-intentional lives – allowing the vagaries of life to define their identity or their happiness.  I, however, have noticed that some people seem to live by an inner code – a chosen purpose.  They live intentionally.


I planned to share excerpts and snippets from many of the mission statements, but I fear I would not do them justice.


I will instead report that they focused on impacting others, striving for courage, embracing challenge, celebrating their individual gifts and valuing love and kindness.  In one particularly lovely phrase, a young woman swore to avoid the “toxicity of comparison”. 


No one likes it when you say, “You had to be there”, but I think that applies here.


But please know that if you were here, you would feel better about the world.  These young people are not naïve, but they are hopeful.  They want to be there for others and to make their families and communities better.


I know I am thrilled that they will be unleashed into the world.  It is a truly encouraging thought.


Steve Sir