Goodbyes are hard.
We know that many of you struggled the first time you dropped your child off at camp. It is hard to be away from someone you love. The first time a parent separates from a child is a truly challenging experience.
Of course, for most of you, your time of separation will end tomorrow.
Ours, however, will start.
Over the past 3 weeks, your children have become part of our community. We have come to expect their smiles and humor and unique contributions. We are familiar with each other and have come together as a big family.
It will be hard to say goodbye.
But I do love the way we say goodbye. After our awards ceremony tonight, we have Memory Lane.
The camp I attended did not have a Memory Lane. In fact, few do. I wonder why. It is a lovely tradition.
After the boys and girls have separate awards ceremonies, we all come together at the Coliseum (the amphitheater on the boys side) and prepare for Memory Lane. The counselors then leave the Coliseum and walk to the Sail Point. They form a giant semi-circle with boys on the left and girls on the right. At the coliseum, I remind the campers to think about the different counselors who have helped them – the ones that mean the most to them.
We then explain Memory Lane. Each camper walks along the line of counselors (the boys to the boy counselors and the girls to the girl counselors) and has a chance to say thank you and share a hug. I believe we often miss the chance to thank the people who help us or impact us. I doubt I ever thanked the counselor (Bill) that made this asthmatic 8 year-old believe in himself. In fact, I am almost certain I did not. I probably assumed we would have another opportunity to see each other, but we did not. I wish I had taken a few moments to say thanks.
I believe we are the sum of the meaningful relationships we have and the lives we impact. Memory Lane is a chance to celebrate and acknowledge both.
We look forward to seeing you tomorrow at Closing Day. It is meant more for you than for us. We say goodbye tonight – tomorrow is about your reunion!
Steve Sir