You can plan for months for activities. You attend conferences, make lists, plan details and buy supplies. You assign people to do tasks, provide supervision and ad silliness.
And then it rains with some thunder, so everyone is restricted to the cabins.
At first, this can depress a humble camp director.
But then I remember that often the best memories are the unplanned and spontaneous ones. Years later, campers will regale us with stories of tent-building competitions, card tournaments or song-writing sessions that resulted from a sudden storm.
Storms also cool camp.
So I guess I can forgive when they disrupt my plans – especially when we can get a site like the photo I include here. OK, I know it is the second rainbow photo I have shared, but this one is a LOT better.
With just a week left, we are entering the home stretch. It might feel like a week to you, but for us here at camp, the time will fly. Enjoy that week – I know that we will.
Steve Sir