People ask if we do something special for the Fourth of July.
Yes. Yes, we do.
The day starts with a unified Flag Raising. Usually, the girls and boys have separate ceremonies, but today we are all together. Susie Ma’am appeared as Lady Liberty while I was a beardless Uncle Sam. The counselors decided to appear wearing black “Security” shirts as unrequested bodyguards. While this was certainly not necessary, it was different to have a protective unit.
After breakfast, we had a morning of choice activities. We want the campers to be able to choose what they want to do and where they want to go. Some choose to be highly active while others might simply want to talk with friends, read a book or work on a ceramic project.
In the afternoon, we had an unexpected storm that provided us some extended cabin time. After that we enjoyed giant inflatables and some activities at our Fine Arts center.

But we do not slow down there. Instead, we arrive at dinner dressed for the “Heart of Texas” dance, complete with music and dancing. From the Fillin’ Station (our dining hall), we go to the Coliseum for Torchlight, where we have a hot dog eating competition. We also have the silliest (and most historically inaccurate) reenactment of the Revolutionary War.
But we do not slow down there. Instead, we arrive at dinner dressed for the “Heart of Texas” dance, complete with music and dancing. From the Fillin’ Station (our dining hall), we go to the Coliseum for Torchlight, where we have a hot dog eating competition. We also have the silliest (and most historically inaccurate) reenactment of the Revolutionary War. I think I learned that the war was won with water guns and that everyone concluded the war singing a song from High School Musical. I think I missed that in my US History class.
From there, we have our weekly costume dance.
Following the dance, we have a serious fireworks display. Please ask your children about our fireworks – we take great pride in producing a serious show.
We hope you are enjoying your Independence Day (be you from American or any other country) I know we are.
Steve Sir
PS This is not the only time Susie Ma’am and I have impersonated Lady Liberty and Uncle Sam. Last fall, I attended the International Camping Congress in Sochi Russia. I have the very impressive sounding (but essentially minimal) title of US Ambassador to the International Camping Fellowship. While this role sounds awash in responsibilities, the most pressing task was to facilitate a “cultural presentation” for the US camps. Other countries have very distinct traditions. We saw Nigerian dance and heard Mongolian songs. The US, however, does not have any one ethnic tradition, so the best I could come up with was dressing up in our costumes and having everyone else sing “Take Me Out to the Ballgame”.

I do not think this was my proudest moment.