This week is such a wild ride. It has more activities. The days start earlier and end later.
This week, we wake at 6AM on Monday and Tuesday for the Aquanaut and Maxi Lake Swims. We will be swimming the kilometer swims with the Minis, Midis, Rookies and Letterman during the mornings. These swims help campers build confidence in their abilities and accomplishments, but they certainly require a great deal of staff and camper energy to supervise and encourage.
Wednesday and Thursday start early with Breakfast Ride and Ski Lift.
The evenings end a little later. The girls have Sing Song on Monday and Tuesday night. This is a much beloved tradition where each girls cabin rewrites the words to a song to make it about camp. They then perform their creation with choreography. The boys have Aquanaut all-star basketball and skit night.
The two oldest boys and two oldest girl cabins are having “disruptive moments” - special late night events - this week as well.
Wednesday, we will have the Hip Hop Hospital dance followed by our counselor meeting.
Thursday night features skits and fireworks. After that, the Senior Camper boys will play their second War Lords game. The girls will play Friday night after awards night.
In short, each day has one group waking early and another staying up late. In the middle, your enthusiastic, if not aging, narrator attempts to keep up.
When you look at the schedule, you would think that this week would feel like lifetime. But it will actually feel like a blur.
Every day, I am a little tired, but I am a lot excited.
We are also savoring every moment with this wonderful gathering of campers and counselors. I see such joy now and such dread at its ending.
Every summer, I conduct an impromptu survey of the oldest campers. I ask the following question: how long does each week of our three week summer camp terms feel like it lasts?
Having asked hundreds of people, the results are consistent each summer:
- Week one feels like 11-12 days.
- Week two feels like 5-5.5 days.
- Week three feels like 36 hours.
We also have a saying at camp that “the days are long, but the weeks are short”.
In short, camp creates some time warps. Of course, for you wonderful parents, each week feels like 12 days. But know that your camper is experiencing time in a wholly different way.
In the meantime, it is time for me to rejoin the blur!
Steve Sir
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