“I love children and boats and I encourage all my friends to have several of both.”
Steve Baskin

Recent Posts
We are now in Sydney. We left a sunny Perth and arrived here during an unusually grey and rainy day.
Yesterday, I shared a blog that might be of general interest to everyone. Today, the article is a bit more family oreinted. This might be a good time to pass on the blog
When you travel great distances, you generally expect to see grand sites –things you cannot see at home. Often these sites are world famous, like the Louvre, the Coliseum, the shrines of Bagan, or the Sydney Opera House. Other times they are great natural phenomena, like Mt Fuji or an active volcano.
When I was a child, I loved picture books. You know, the ones heavy on pictures and light on words?
The key to a good travel day is to find the energy to embrace your newest location even when every fiber in your being simply wants to unpack, eat a bag of chips and go to bed early.
We are wrapping up our time in Indonesia. As we do so, I think about what we will miss and what we will not miss.
Yesterday’s volcano was a great appetizer. Today, we enjoyed the main course.