Look at this picture and think about the following statement: the woman in the chicken hat is helping craft youth development policy for the State of Texas.
Steve Baskin

Recent Posts
Two years ago, we started some new traditions designed to smooth the transition of first-time campers. We realized that coming to camp for the very first time is meaningfully different from returning as a veteran.
People often ask whether I ever get tired being a camp director.
Several years ago, a 13 year-old wrote a lovely letter when he was nominated for Bearer of the Torch. I came across it today and thought you would enjoy it.
When a camper brings a friend to camp, he or she becomes a member of the Tiger Club, to thank them for helping make our community better.
Once each term, the 9th grade Senior Campers (7-11) read letters that they write to the girls side of camp. They are often insightful and always heartfelt. Sadly, I miss them as I am with the boys when this happens, but Susie Ma’am always returns and shares the best thoughts and stories.
Susie Ma’am and I are going through a series of experiences that lead us to the question “Are we getting old?”
This year, we have counselors from every continent in the world except Antarctica. They come from 15 different countries and speak at least 8 languages.
I have come to revel in the small pleasures at camp.