Steve Baskin

Steve Baskin
Owner/director of Camp Champions. Unapologetic camp geek. Married to lovely Susie Ma'am and have 2 boys and 2 girls.
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Friendship Circle, Man Cave and Mommy Mode

Posted by Steve Baskin on Jul 2, 2011 5:42:18 PM
Friendship Circle and Man Cave


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A Few of My Favorite Things!

Posted by Steve Baskin on Jul 1, 2011 6:06:44 PM

My mind is flitting about right now thinking random thoughts.  Here is an assortment of "Things Steve Sir Loves About Camp".

You are never "just" good at camp.  We tell the campers that "good is on the other side of the "spur.  Here we start with great and go from there.

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Homesickness and Growth

Posted by Steve Baskin on Jun 30, 2011 6:24:57 PM

Conquering Homesickness/Discovering Strength

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Green Acres and Creative Rookies

Posted by Steve Baskin on Jun 27, 2011 7:30:34 PM


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Sending Our Children to Camp

Posted by Steve Baskin on Jun 27, 2011 7:11:55 PM
After we welcomed your children yesterday, we got a chance to say goodbye to our own early this morning.

All four of our children (Wiley and Liam - 14 yr old boys, Terrill - 13 yr old girl and Virginia - 10 yr old girl) attend first term and then go away to other camps.

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Diversity at Camp Plus a Few Fun Stories

Posted by Steve Baskin on Jun 26, 2011 4:50:57 AM
We often talk about "Reasonable Risks".  Today, I am taking one myself.
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Tags: Parents, Alumni, Camper, General, Counselor

Parents Anonymous

Posted by Steve Baskin on Jun 26, 2011 4:42:35 AM
OK, this blog starts by giving you a word of encouragement as parents.


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Sprinklers, Ducks and Duct Tape

Posted by Steve Baskin on Jun 20, 2011 8:08:20 PM

After writing deep thoughts for several days in a row, I want to just have a fun, campy submission for your approval.

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Finding the Inner Warrior (Plus the T-Bone Club)

Posted by Steve Baskin on Jun 20, 2011 8:08:43 AM

Each term, we honor our oldest campers with the T-Bone Club.  These young men and women have finished the 8th grade are in their final summer as normal campers.  If they return next year, they enter the Senior Camper program.

As I have shared with you, Camp is really about community.  The oldest campers are an important part of our community at Champions.  An enthusiastic group elevates the spirit of the cabins below them.  A group that is TC4CC (Too Cool For Camp Champions) can make a session seem boring and tiresome.  Happily, we have not had many TC4CC groups in a long while.  Even better, this group is particularly fun and positive.

The T-Bone Club is our way of acknowledging their leadership in our camp family and to thank them for it.

We invite them to a meal outside our home (now in the Outdoor Cooking Pavilion) during the Sunday picnic.  The campers arrive dressed nicely (especially the ladies who all wore dresses) and are served by the Leadership Team.  They get sparkling cider in plastic flutes and we toast them.

The meal consists of steaks with a special Dry Rub that Susie Ma'am and I developed, double stuffed potatoes, green bean casserole, bread sticks, mushroom sauce and strawberry cake.

Susie Ma'am and I dress up as well.  I chose a kilt with tuxedo top.  Perhaps my favorite part - no one seemed to think it even slightly odd.  For those of you wondering, Scottish wool socks are not a great idea in a Texas summer.


Warrrior vs Worrier

Tonight we had our second and final Vespers.  During this gathering, we sat at the sail point and talked about the final week of camp.

I wanted to suggest two things to the guys.  First, I wanted them to appreciate everything around them - not just the activities and the site, but the people who support and love each of them.

Second, I wanted to share some thoughts about the way we approach the world. Since tomorrow morning is the Lake Swim for the boys, I chose to share some thoughts about embracing challenges.

The swim entails swimming across the lake and back (roughly 700 meters).  We basically take over the lake, lining it with 26-30 kayaks with 3 boats providing additional help.  It is one of the longest standing camp traditions and a true challenge to our oldest campers (the oldest gals go Tuesday morning).

As we talked about the Lake Swim, I offered a view of human nature.

In the cartoons, people are often shown with an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other.  Each is dispensing opposite advice to the main character.  I think this cartoon has it wrong.

We do not have an angel and a devil, but we do have a Warrior and a Worrier.  The Warrior faces adversity, tries new things and accepts challenges.  The Worrier is rapt in fear and finds reasons to avoid new things or challenging situations.  The Warrior says "I want to learn to snow ski.  I want to try out for the play.  I want to meet those new people."  The Worrier answers back "Skiing is too cold.  Theater is stupid.  Why do I need new friends?"  Note that the Worrier is clever - rather than say "I am scared", it instead finds excuses not to try.

The Warrior looks at a challenge and sees opportunity.  The Worrier sees limitation and fear.

For parents and youth development professionals, we should look for ways to feed the Warrior and starve the Worrier.  Let me be clear, I still believe that we should focus on Reasonable Risks (one of our "4 Rs"), not dangerous ones.  In my examples, I am discussing challenges that are trying, difficult, out of our comfort zone, but safely attainable.

This week, each camper will have some Warrior/Worrier moments.  It is my hope that we create an environment sufficiently supportive and loving to encourage each camper to listen to the Warrior!

I ended by sharing 2 stories from 5 years ago.  In the first, a camper had decided that he did not want to swim.  As a result, he jumped in the lake, swam 3 or 4 strokes, came back and declared that it was too far.  He never even tried.

Later that summer, we had a 7th grader that was 6' 2" and not athletically gifted.  I will call him Richard.  Richard was a very poor swimmer.  He, nevertheless, wanted to try the Lake Swim.  In addition to the kayaks and lifeguards, we had a leadership team member swim with him.

During the swim, the next to last camper completed the swim in 35 minutes or so.  This camper, along with the rest of the Aquanauts, went to the cabin, changed, ate breakfast and returned to the dock to root Richard on.

Richard's time?  One hour and 25 minutes.  Without question, it was the slowest time I have ever seen by half an hour.

Yet I remember Richard and his determination.  I do not remember the winner of the race, but I can see Richard's face as he touched the dock: exhausted, worn and proud.

I concluded by telling all the boys that they have been strengthening their Warriors.  While their friends might have been staying home and playing video games, they were climbing walls, making new friends and succeeding away from home.

While their friends stayed the same, they have become stronger and more confident.

What a pleasure to spend time with your warriors!

Steve Sir


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The Tiger Story

Posted by Steve Baskin on Jun 17, 2011 5:30:36 PM

I have shared this story with parents and with counselors for years. This year, a former camper asked that I write it out for a leadership class he was working on.  When a parent also asked me about it, I decided to share it here,

The story originates in India.

There was once a malnourished pregnant tiger near death, determined to feed herself and her unborn cub. She came upon a herd of goats, picked a target, and attacked. The rush of the hunt brought about the birth of her cub as well as her death. The goats decided that even though this tiger had meant to eat them, they could not leave the cub to die and decided to raise it as one of their own.

Years later, a full grown male tiger was prowling throughout his territory looking for something to eat. He happened upon a herd of goats and decided to make his attack. As he crept up toward striking distance, he noticed something that confused him greatly: there was a another tiger milling around among the goats, eating grass.

The second tiger looked sickly and weak, so the first scattered the rest of the goats and confronted the second tiger, demanding to know what in the world he thought he was doing.

" Baaaaah," came the response.

"You're a tiger," the first said to the second. "What are you doing milling around with a bunch of goats?"

Once more, the second tiger replied, "Baaaaah."

Noting the younger tiger's condition, the larger tiger commented, "Friend, you look awful.  I have some antelope back in the cave.  Lets go there and get some meat on your bones."

"But I am a vegetarian.  I eat grass."

"No!  You are a carnivore.  A tiger.  You are top of the food chain!"  The first tiger then thought of a different approach.  " Come with me to the watering hole."

The watering hole was still as a mirror.  
"Look at my reflection: the whiskers, the ears, the stripes, the piercing eyes.  That is the face of a tiger.  Look at your face it is just like mine."

But having spent all his conscious life as a goat, he could not believe him.

The first tiger became fed up with the second, and dragged him back to his cave, determined to teach the confused one how to be a tiger. Once back, the first tiger let out a giant, spine trembling tiger roar, and asked the second to do the same. The second tiger took in a huge breath, and let out a tiny squeak that could not have outdone a common housecat.

In the cave, the first tiger had some leftover antelope, and took a big chunk off with his giant paw and jammed it into the second tiger's mouth. The second tiger tried to swallow but (and this is the way the original Sanskrit text reads) he choked at first, as do we all on the truth. But he kept chewing and working, and finally managed to swallow the antelope. At this point, his body understood.  This is the protein he has been missing.  He came to understand. He then stood up, squared his shoulders, and let out his first real tiger roar.

I share this story with our counselors each year for two reasons. After the story, I tell them the following:

First reason is the fact that in this life, we are all born tigers.  We are unique and powerful.  We have our own singular confluence of passions, talents, goals and instincts.  Yet, most of us end up living our lives like goat, milling aimlessly or following yet another goat through unfulfilled and unfocused lives.  Madison Avenue loves goats much easier to sell fashion, brands and cars to.  Tigers are entirely different.  They know their own power and their gifts and goals.

The second reason I share this is because it often takes another tiger to help you find your "tigerness".  This summer you will be surrounded by some of the cutest tiger cubs you have ever seen, but they might not know yet.  But you cannot just tell them.  Instead, you need to be a tiger everyday.  You must see opportunity when others see problems.  You need to embrace everyday as a gift to be treasured. If they see enough tigers, I believe they will know it is possible for them and they will soon find their own tigerness.

Steve Sir


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