Before I write my usual blog, I want you to know that the apartment we are staying in has been a little bit of a disappointment. In addition to the fact that it is not (as noted yesterday) actually IN Vienna, it has proven to have less than ideal amenities. By “amenities”, I mean “a working toilet and lights”. We discovered rather quickly that the toilet does not really flush. Luckily, there is another option 30 feet away in the compound we are staying in. Last night, as we were turning on some lights, a breaker popped and all our lights went out. Also, the bed makes us long for the relative comfort of college days when we crashed on the lumpy futons of friends.
Finally, the promised wi-fi internet connection is essentially nonexistent. I can, for brief periods of time, walk out of our apartment, across a courtyard and up a flight of stairs to a balcony. From this perch, I stand outside the door of another renter and hope to get the necessary signal. If I stray more than 4 feet from this unknown occupant’s door, I lose the signal. This high level of internet connectivity came AFTER a 30 minute discussion with the owner of the compound. For this reason, the last blog and this one are without any pictures.