We have spent the last few days at the Franz Josef Glacier.
After our evening of cockles, we had another day of driving and beauty. We started at the northern coast of the South Island, but we headed to the west coast. Once again, I have little to report beyond a detail or two and some photos.
The west coast is thinly populated. Its beauty is stark and even lonely. We drove slowly down the highway, stopping at different places that seemed interesting.
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While in New Zealand, we have been struggling with a minor dilemma: do we try new things or return to our favorites from before?
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In so many ways, New Zealand has been incredibly easy compared to the rest of our trip. The natives share our tongue. They are welcoming and fun. The camper-van eliminates the need to unpack, carry and repack unwieldy luggage. We do not have to navigate unfamiliar modes of travel like tuk-tuks, subways, busses, trains, etc. Food is easy to order.
But this lovely country has proven harder on me in one unexpected area: this blog.
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In the past few decades, much research has revealed the importance of sleep and the dangers of sleep-deprivation.
Our children had found a new sports interest: rugby.
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I think I hurt Wellington’s feelings with my comments about the bad weather because it cleared and was cool and clear today.
It is nice to know that we have that type of power.
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We are happy to report that New Zealand is not perfect.
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After the Tongariro Trek, we decided to move on.
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