Every now and then, wisdom comes from unexpected places.
Steve Baskin

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This sign was featured in a bathroom at a temple in Thailand. When I saw it, I had a clear response – I bet there is an interesting story that led to the creation of that sign.
In the last few days, I have been thinking about siblings at camp.
Last week, I got an unexpected email. Here is what it said:
Tags: confidence, success
When I was a camper many years ago (not at Camp Champions), my favorite part of camp was the companionship. I loved hanging out with the other campers and counselors – telling jokes, playing games and experiencing the activities.
The keys to the first day and a half of camp are pretty simple:
With the new session starting, I thought you might enjoy two stories from campers that left camp on Saturday. While these stories do not directly include your precious ones, they do show some of the cool benefits of camp.
I suspect that most of you will be coming to camp and not have time to look at this blog. Nevertheless, I feel moved to share s few thoughts.
Today is not that day. We have been going all-out, all-day. After a full morning of activities and meetings, we are in the middle of an afternoon that will feature
Every summer, we hear the same question from parents:
“When can WE go to camp?”
Well, there is an answer – FAMILY CAMP.
Each fall, we open camp to families for a weekend. This fall, we will have family camp on September 23-25.
This year, Family Camp will be extra special. It is our 50th Anniversary Celebration. We will have more entertainment, more families and more excitement than ever before. I
Family Camp is your opportunity to jump on the glob, go down the zip line, climb a wall, ride on water toys, ski, shoot archery, eat s’mores and attend a torchlight. You get to share the experiences of camp with your whole family.
There are a few modifications. The biggest is food. We will be having some camp favorites for the kids, but we also augment the menu to reflect adult tastes.
Also, unlike camp, we allow Family Campers to have adult beverages. Of course, our counselors will not be drinking while they are working, but Susie Ma'am and Steve Sir truly enjoy sharing a glass of wine with dear camp friends.
If you think you would like to join us for Family Camp, please check out this link (Family Camp 50th). We hope to see you there!
If you have ever been tempted to try Family Camp, our 50th Anniversary Weekend is the time to do it!
Steve Sir