I know that they session is nearing a close:
Steve Baskin

Recent Posts
I don’t really get social media. In fact, I am consistently impressed by people who have the energy to keep up with so many other people using constantly changing platforms. Sure, I have accounts with LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, but let me assure you that I really just faking it. Campers often ask if I am “on Instagram” or “on Twitter”. When they ask, it seems like such a good idea, so I occasionally join. I, however, seem to forget that I am social-media-impaired.
I love it when campers realize that they have the power to decide if an experience is a blessing or a curse.
I have been writing fairly long blogs lately, so allow me a short, but heartfelt one.
When Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died this spring, I was surprised to learn about his relationship with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg.
Today, I want to share an important, but often over-looked, camp director skill.
Over the last few days, I asked different campers a simple question, “Which summer at camp meant the most to you?”
A very considerate camp parent asked Susie Ma’am and me about our schedule and what we do for time off. Since one of the purposes of this blog is to share what it is like to be an “adult” and parent in the world of camp, I thought I would share the answer.
Having shared several stories from our younger campers, I thought you might enjoy reading a little about our Senior Campers ( the campers in our high school leadership program).