Over the last decade, Susie Ma’am has put untold hours into the Fillin’ Station, our Dining Hall.
Steve Baskin

Recent Posts
Making Meals Marvelous: Creating Healthy Habits At Camp
Last night, we had Trojan-Spartan initiation. Three times this session, we will have our Trojan-Spartan games. Every camper is assigned to one of two teams (the Spartans and the Trojans) and they compete against each other in a variety of events and outdoor kids games. Some are physical (tug o’ war), others mental (trivia) and some just silly (how many campers can you get on a soap-covered glob). We stress that the campers will compete enthusiastically and with great sportsmanship for the duration of the games. We praise campers that congratulate their opponent even if they lose, and we respect the teammate that is always positive despite the outcomes.
We love our traditions, but we are also constantly looking for ways to improve camp.
Sometimes the simplest experiences become cool through creative terminology.
Summer Camp in China and the "3-Legged Stool" of Education
Last summer, we had an incredibly unusual opportunity arise.
Creative Learning and Lego Lessons in the Man Cave
Earlier, I shared some stories from Susie Ma’am’s Friendship Games. Today, I want to tell you a little about Man Cave.
Homesickness and How to Build Confidence Away From Home
[This is the second in two articles about homesickness at camp. Here is the first: http://blog.campchampions.com/homesickness-and-the-letter]
On a recent trip to a doctor’s office, the limited selection of magazines in the waiting room resulted in me reading a GQ (Gentleman’s Quarterly).
Homesickness and "The Letter": Thriving at Sleepaway Camp
[This is the first of two articles about homesickness at camp. It is also a parent favorite. The second can be found here: http://blog.campchampions.com/-temporary-slug-14091405-673b-4994-8b80-73b68e07f3be]
Every now and then, I approach Susie Ma’am and ask if she has anything fun to share.