Sometimes, camp slightly modifies priorities.
Steve Baskin

Recent Posts
This week is such a wild ride. It has more activities. The days start earlier and end later.
On Sunday night, we had our second Vespers. On the boys side, I shared my Warrior-Worrier story. I have included that story as a separate blog today:
Canoes and Role Modeling: A Frame for Younger Campers
We had our second Trojan-Spartan games today. I am sure that the photos will show tons of campers smiling, running, throwing and rowing. I would like to share one of my favorite Trojan-Spartan traditions and give you a report on how well it went.
Miss Champini and Mr Beiber - Creative Play and Utter Silliness
Today, I will attempt to share an activity from the girls side: Miss Champini. I did not see it myself, but Susie Ma’am told me enough to describe it to you. I wish I had been there.
A Letter To Make This Summer Special - Disruptive Moments in Action
This summer, we have introduced a new special evening event for the oldest campers (those finishing 7th and 8th grade). We do not yet have a fun name for these gatherings, but this is OK because they are a surprise when they happen. Internally, we call them “disruptive moments”.
My lovely bride encourages the hopeless romantic in me, including my own camp memories. I had a particularly powerful memory today that I would like to share with you.
Learning from a Spaghetti Tower: How Failure Leads to Success
Today, the oldest Senior Campers practiced collaboration.
In a world of constant innovation, creativity is becoming more important in the modern age.