Steve Baskin

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Sometimes you have an idea and wonder, “why did it take us so long to think of this?”
Our after-lunch new camper reception is such an idea.
Tags: Camper
Your children are safely in their beds and are safely asleep. They are ready for a wonderful first full day at Camp Champions. Counselors have read to the youngest campers. The older campers met together to talk about the high points of their day and to get to know each other better.
With the day winding down, now seems like a good time to share some thoughts.
Tags: Parents
A self-help expert makes an appearance on Tonight Show which tapes in afternoon. After the taping, he goes to the airport and flies on the red-eye (the nighttime flight) back to Florida. The next morning, he wakes up early and takes his morning stroll on the beach. As he walks, a woman comes up to him and recognizes him from the TV. She strikes up a conversation:
"Weren't you on the Tonight Show last night?"
Tags: Counselor
People frequently ask camp professionals, “what do you do the rest of the year?” The question often seems to suggest that we spend our days on tropical beaches sipping lemonade and waiting for the sun to set.
One of the Most Frequently Asked Questions for Camp Owners:
Tonight we had our last dance – the Pajama Dance. Once again, much silliness, conga lines, groups of 20 girls dancing in a circle, Robbie Sir leading his odd version of dancing and young boys running around.
Tags: Parents
I am guessing that many of you think that the words “wisdom” and “9th grade boy” do not belong in the same sentence. A recent exercise, however, suggests differently.
The counselors of 007 gave their young men an assignment. In case you do not know, “007” is our 9th grade boys cabin. These campers are starting their first year of our three year senior camper program. During their first couple of nights, we take them on a special trip (along with the girls’ 9th grade cabin called “7-11”) and talk with them about our expectations for the senior camper program. One of the exercises we do is ask the guys what it means to be a man and a Champion. They also suggested rules to live by in pursuit of becoming men and Champions.
Tags: Counselor