The rain today has been a lovely variation from the last few weeks.
Steve Baskin

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As a 48 year-old father of 4, I generally do not think of myself as having much in common with 8 year-olds. I am less flexible, am less excited my slushees and rarely play gaga.
But as I sit here looking out at camp at 7:15 - 90 minutes before wake-up call, I realize that I actually do.
Tags: Counselor
I am in a somewhat reflective mood today, so let me share how camp has helped me grow as an individual and parent.
Tags: Camper
During the day, Susie Ma’am and I meet with each of the three Senior Camper groups: those who just finished 9th grade (7-11 and 007), 10th grade (CATS and 008) and 11th grade (SCATS and 009). In these talks, we discuss a wide variety of topics. In some, we talk about ways to improve their leadership and interpersonal skills. Other times the topic is intentionality and living a life of passion and service.
Tags: Counselor
After Torchlight, Susie Ma’am was walking behind a group of campers.
Here is the conversation she heard.
Tags: Camper