For a short bonus blog, please let me share the creative products of some cookie-decorating classes.
This article is lifted directly from our Counselor Orientation manual. I hope you find it interesting.
I have generally fancied myself a person of reason. I respect rational people and the scientific method.
Camp Champions is a leading site to train athletes in one of the fastest growing sports in America: Pickleball.
[CORRECTION: I sent this blog to my son who had the journal and he quickly set me straight, "I did not write the happiness spigot description. It is from a comic strip called Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal. The quote about the Happiness Spigot was the answer to 'Dad. What's it like to have kids.' " I still like the article though even if I must realize my son is not the creator of this observation.]
This morning, I had a 6:45AM call with a friend on the east coast. He inevitably has unique insights or impressive information, so I take notes on our talks. I was not yet at my desk, so I asked Susie Ma’am if she had something I could write on. She reached into a bedside table and found a small journal.