Each session, we honor our oldest normal campers (those just finishing 8th grade) with a special meal. It has green bean casserole, garlic breadsticks, potatoes, a special cake and t-bone steaks. We call them the “T-Bone Club”. [Note: we have options for vegetarians as well, but we named the event roughly 2 decades ago, before we had many different dietary needs. The options are wider, but the name stuck.]
A couple of evenings ago, I was sitting in a field with our 9th grade campers. One of them posed a simple question:
This morning, a former camper and current camp parent sent me an email that simply made me smile. I loved the content and it came with a winner of a photo. With her permission, I share it now. My contents are in [brackets]:
Several years back, I was talking to a camp mom about her efforts to encourage her children’s friends to come to camp. She was a particularly enthusiastic recruiter, so I asked her why she spent so much time and effort on it.
Tags: Camper
As each session draws to close, the Blog River starts to dry up. My inspirations begin to wane. [Note: A regular reader might suggest that the stream is already arid. Perhaps I already “jumped the shark”. After all, I did write an article featuring foot tans and a costumed dog.]
We had our last meetings with the Senior Campers today. Over the last 3 weeks, we have met with each group at least 5 times for an hour each.